A simple script intended to help with the creation of multiple pipe objects out of a collection of curves in Maya.
\\\\\\\\__________________________PIPE CURVES v1.0___________________________////////
//////// \\\\\\\\
> Written by dimitris gourdoukis.
> object-e architecture 2008.
> http://object-e.blogspot.com/
> object.e.architecture@gmail.com
> v1.0 Last Modified 5/18/08.
> Use and modify at your own risk.
> Description:
This script creates pipes around each of the selected curves and 'caps' the pipes
by placing one sphere on both ends of the curve.
proc pipeCurves (){
//list the selected curves
string $curvelist[] = `ls -sl`;;
$size = size($curvelist);
float $pipeRadius = `floatSliderGrp -q -v pipeRadius`;
//create the profile circle
circle -ch on -o on -nr 0 1 0 -r $pipeRadius -n profile;
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
//extrude the profile along the curve
extrude -ch true -rn false -po 0 -et 2 -ucp 1 -fpt 1 -upn 1 -rotation 0 -scale 1 -rsp 1 "profile" $curvelist[$i] ;
//get the number of cvs
string $xero1 = "getAttr \"" + $curvelist[$i] + ".cv[*]\"";
float $convs [] = eval ($xero1);
$arraySize = size($convs);
int $lastCV = $arraySize/3 - 1;
//get the coordinates of the start point
string $xero2 = "getAttr \"" + $curvelist[$i] + ".cv[0]\"";
vector $start = eval ($xero2);
$ssx = $start.x;
$ssy = $start.y;
$ssz = $start.z;
//get the coordinates of the end point
string $xero3 = "getAttr \"" + $curvelist[$i] + ".cv[" + $lastCV + "]\"";
vector $end = eval ($xero3);
$sex = $end.x;
$sey = $end.y;
$sez = $end.z;
//create and move the spheres
polySphere -r $pipeRadius;
move $ssx $ssy $ssz;
polySphere -r $pipeRadius;
move $sex $sey $sez;
select -r profile ;
global proc constructPipeWin ()
if (`window -exists pipeWindow`) {
deleteUI pipeWindow;
-width 400
-height 200
-title "pipe curves"
-sizeable true
text -l "";
floatSliderGrp -label "radius"
-field true
-fieldStep 0.1
-sliderStep 0.1
-value 1
-fieldMinValue 0 -fieldMaxValue 100
//create button
button -label "Pipe"
-command "pipeCurves" buildIt;
setParent ..;
text -l "";
separator -w 800 -h 4 -backgroundColor 1 0.663 1;
text -l "object-e / dimitris gourdoukis. 2008.";
text -l "http://object-e.blogspot.com/";
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